About us

Our company provides support to individuals, micro-, small- and medium-sized companies for successful presence on the international market. Our aim is to promote the international entrepreneurs of the presence in Hungary, to build and nurture business relationships. Whether on an ad-hoc- or on a long-term basis, we strive to provide our clients with the most efficient solution possible, of course, with maximum customer satisfaction.
Consulting service providers in Hungary are specialized mostly in large and multinational companies, whereas our company offers solutions for the aforementioned segment.
Our services include direct representation and communication with foreign partners and clients. With our work we provide a professional background to support the international companies on the Hungarian market, thus improving their competitiveness against their competitors.


Today cross-border business relationships can be extremely beneficial. Establishing such relationships requires language skills and the knowledge of business protocol. The key to a successful business relationship is a good personal relationship based on mutual trust. Based on our experience, the role of trust in the economic life is extremely important. This is especially true when we conduct transactions with minimal –or, due to distance, without any kind of- personal contact. These business relationships, like the established trust, require constant care and attention.

We can help you get in touch with your business partners, give you advice to deepen the trust between you and your business partners, or just help you to conduct and conclude a casual business.

Whether you have a new startup or have a long standing business and are looking to gain new customers, suppliers, or resellers by developing international relationships, getting  involved in the European “business bloodstream” this way, request a quote under
Contact Us!


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